Thursday 3 January 2013

SOC4H Potentials?

The sharing of health information among health service providers is a crucial business process that can improve on the quality of health service and also to capitalize on available limited healthcare infrastructure resources. Research into the Service Oriented Computing (SOC) paradigm makes mention of some of the potentials of SOC, particularly in the area of integration (collaborative distributed systems). One wonders, therefore, as to how can SOC be applied in health domain - more specifically, how has SOC (or SOA) been used in healthcare and what gains has it introduced? These are some of the interesting topics that one needs to follow very closely. Of course as a technologist, my main interest will be on "what is possible with the technology (SOC) for health application in particular".

1 comment:

  1. On the issue of seamless integrated service delivery (ISD), networked healthcare service providers provide their services to clients in a seamless manner. Through ISD (as the source claims), the client does not need to deal with individual providers anymore, there's one point of contact.
    Source (Abstract):
